Everyday Escape


Everyday Escape

Plan the ultimate beach escape at Hotel del Coronado. You can live your vacation dreams with the best of SoCal beach life on a memory making getaway to The Del.

Book through June 30 and save:

  • 20% off of your stay, 25% off for Hilton Honors Members
  • Includes $50 daily credit
  • Reserve this limited-time offer by June 30, 2024
    and stay between May 24 and December 31, 2024

Based on availability. Offer is subject to availability and some blackout dates or minimum night stay requirements may apply. Credits may not be used toward the Ocean Concierge Club.

Offer subject to availability. Discount is 20% off the Best Available Rate (“BAR”) and the Honors Discount version is 25% off the Best Available Rate. For each completed eligible night’s stay, a daily statement credit of $50 will be applied to the guest portfolio for the day. Incidental credit will be applied daily for incidentals charged from the time of arrival, up to and include the next day at the hotel’s local hotel departure time. This will reoccur daily until the time of checkout. The total hotel credits that can be awarded are unlimited and based upon completed night stays. Unused daily credit will be forfeited each day at the hotel’s departure time and will not be refunded or rolled forward. Incidental credit will be applied toward eligible hotel charges excluding room rate, corresponding taxes, fees, service charges or resort charges, gratuity and select activities as determined by property. Incidental credits are not transferable, not redeemable for cash, are void after each completed night of the stay and cannot be applied toward future stays. This offer may not be combined with other select promotions, offers or discounts and is not valid for groups. Blackout dates may apply. Certificates are not redeemable for cash or other hotel credit. Gratuities and taxes are not included. Certificates not valid for room service, after departure, or at another hotel. Other restrictions may apply. To book by phone call +1-800-468-3533. Request the “Everyday Escape” Package or Plan Code “SRP: RPDMRO" or "Honors SRP: RPDMHH" at time of booking.

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