An Evening with the Spirits

kate morgan


An Evening with the Spirits

Oct 27, 7:30 & 9:30pm — $125

Spiritualism, which began in America before The Del was built, has long engaged mediums, magicians and ghost hunters into the mystery of communication with the spirit world. “An Evening with the Spirits” is an interactive and fully immersive evening that examines the roots of our fascination with ghosts, hauntings, and talking to the dead and explores the rich, entertaining history of seances, table rappings, Ouija boards, spirit cabinets, and more.

You’ll learn the haunting story of Kate Morgan, who visited The Del in 1892, and go inside her actual guestroom which some say she never left. Guests will be allowed to examine historic records and handle objects that are believed by some to be haunted. Feats of the mind and psychic abilities culminate into an evening where we will engage in a traditional Victorian-styled séance.

Tour Policy: Authorized tours are shown above. Unauthorized tours are not permitted. Learn More

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